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Excellent Systems
Excellent Systems creates solutions to help business owners manage their business in a smarter, more efficient and effective way, allowing them to grow their business without late nights of administration. Our systems complement, and can interface with, your accountant or accounting systems - they are all about management of your core work.
Excellent Practice is designed for the Allied Health Sector, helping Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Acupuncturists, Physiotherapists and Clinics manage their practices more effectively. With electronic ACC, Diary, and Visit Notes, ongoing work is always up to date, giving you the opportunity to use the spreadsheet analyses and emailing and texting capabilities to help grow your practice. Available for Local Install or Cloud-based. The best Practice Management Software you can get. And now you can let your patients book themselves over the internet - check out our easy booking system!
Custom Solutions are designed to help you manage your core business more effectively. They can range from being a small, elegant way of handling a particular task, to a large system handling your main business. From a single-user database-handling application they can evolve with your business, letting you grow or change your path without costly and confusing software changes